Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lie, lies, lieses, lieseses...Misery

"Oh! how great a Master is the Heart! Confess it, my beloved Singers, and gratefully own, that you would not have arrived at the highest Rank of the Profession if you had not been it's Scholars; own, that in a few Lessons from it, you learned the most beautiful Expressions, the most refin'd Taste, the most noble Action, and the most exquisite Graces: Own (though it be hardly credible) that the Heart corrects the Defects of Nature, since it softens a Voice that's harsh, betters an indifferent one, and perfects a good one: Own, when the Heart sings, you cannot lie, nor has Truth a greater Power of persuading: And, lastly, do you convince the World... that from the Heart alone you have learned that Je ne sçai quoy, that pleasing Charm, that so subtily passes from Vein to Vein, and makes its way to the very Soul." (Pier. Francesco Tosi: Observations on the Florid Song, 1723)

I'm a terrible liar, and I cannot tolerate lies. I don't like when I have to keep my mouth shut when I am supposed to tell the truth, even if I know neither of us in the conversation would be able to face the truth. I hate it also when people lie for me in order to somehow protect me. But the worst of all is when someone refuses to tell the truth just to avoid conflict.

Conflict is considered a bad thing nowadays, and you can guess already that I consider this consideration a proof of how cowards took over in our society. An interpretation of being polite also includes avoiding conflicts, which drags a few lies along, and then those lies bring some other lies with them, and in the end the situation ends up being miserable for everyone - although the act of politeness was supposed to bring peace, it brings only misery and grief to everyone. And on the other hand: how can you consider yourself a nice person if you don't tell the truth? I know, truth can be painful, but not as painful as deceiving or betrayal. How can anyone consider himself a responsible and decent person if he doesn't have the nerve to tell what's going on?

You know, the problem with lies is that there's only a beginning of the rest that comes after that. One single lie fosters and nourish another and another, and there's no way to stop the chain reaction, unless you go back to the first one and you neutralise it with truth. It's like the pest.
Another problem with telling lies in order to avoid conflict (because that's why everyone lies) is that after a certain point, you have no record on what you've said to whom.

How do dishonesty effect singing? Any act of pretending something you're not equals a lie you tell to your audience, fellow musicians, commissioners, and most importantly and sadly: to yourself. You can try to lie to anyone, but if you're lying to yourself, you'll get into problems. And don't worry about the results and success you achieved based on lies, or about being mistreated by lies, "for there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." (Mark 4, 22)
And after you were caught on lying, you'll have to solve the conflict anyway.

So in order to put yourself in trouble, and to save some time for yourself, be true to yourself as a singer and as a human being. For if you cannot be true to yourself, how could you expect yourself to be true to others and others to be true to you? Sing, act and live from your Heart, the Heart that can correct the Defects of Nature. Be brave, you'll be fine.

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