Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Yes, yes, another singer/musician begins to blog about music, feelings and such, in this sense this blog is nothing new, but... But as every individual is different, and every voice is different, therefore this particular's singer's blog will be unavoidably different from any other blog about singing. I was considering the possibility of going on youtube and make a singing vlog instead of writing about it, but then I thought I don't want to be another Eric Arceneaux (whose work and art I appreciate a lot, and please check out his channel on Youtube, it's awesome!) by giving you all kinds of singing excercizes and showing tricks in order to let you sing better. No, I will not give you scales and excercizes, neither anatomy lectures or approve how tasteless can too much vibration in the voice can be on particular repertoire's... Nope, I don't want to do that.

I would like to talk about how I became a singer, and also how I think as a singer about the development of the voice, discussing singing technique (not by bringing up scales and such), methods and approaches that ever helped me, and also history(!) of singing and singers. I have met only a few singing teachers who actually knew or talked about these things, so why not putting them on one (blog)spot?

I wasn't born in a traditional musician family, though music played an important role in my family I am one of the very few that actually chose music as a profession. Everyone else in my family chose something down to earth as a profession (my grandmother was working in the financial sector, my parents have a printing business, and so on), and actually my intention was to become a writer, journalist or anything that pays well and gives a good financial support. And then last year of grammar school came and all the lessons in music school took their effect and I decided to become a singer. Actually first I wanted to became an opera singer, but later I figured out that I don't have the natural great voice for opera - and now I know, that a volume and voice can be developed, but it takes a lot of time and hard work.
So as you can see, you can become a singer (which is rather irrational and emotional), even if you are a rather "rational"- and "analytic"-type person (more of a scholar than a true artist and musician by blood) like for example me,

I would like to tell you what I believe in as a singer. And by that I don't mean to say I'm right, or that this is the only true path you can follow to become a singer or to find the "singer" in yourself. This is my story: it might be an example to follow or to avoid as much as possible. The choice is yours.

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